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Friday, 30 October 2015

Sometimes all we need is to go with the flow. This way we conserve the strengths for later.

Life is a constant struggle. On one hand, we live internally, and there are things we would like to achieve, things we would like to create, give, take, consume, destroy, enjoy, see, hear, taste (I could place an infinite number of various verbs here). On the other hand, the life keeps its uninterrupted flow, surrounding us with its own forces, and pushing us to create, give, consume, destroy, enjoy (and so on) all these things that the external world is interested in, and which are not exactly what we would like to experience.

We live trying to swim in this turbulent river of live. Swim in the direction that we think is the right direction. The direction to a better and happier life. The direction to success. Wealth. Fulfilment. Bigger house. Better job. Well educated kids. Better car. Again, the list can go on forever.

In this constant swim through life we sometimes get exhausted and frustrated. We row ahead, but the river flows in a different direction. We spend all our energy, we devote all days, yet we are getting nowhere. So we start losing hope.

This is the time to stop rowing. We are getting nowhere, and we will soon lose all our strength. Time to have some rest. Let the boat flow, and go down with the current. On the way, you will see that the river forks, and that one of the branch is less turbulent and that the water flows towards a beautiful meadow, no different - or perhaps even a nicer one - than the one you first wanted to get to. And the current will take you there, all you need is to steer your boat in the right direction. And you will arrive there full of energy, ready to enjoy the place.

There is one caveat though: watch out for waterfalls. If you see (or hear one), jump onto the shore. Immediately.

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